Acrylic on canvas  / 80 x 80 cm / 2003

L I F E   U N D E R   A   M I C R O S C O P E

The Cloisters Gallery was transformed by a very confident first solo exhibition of chilean born artist Ana Catalina Vicuña. Luminous monochrome paintings in red and blues hues were presented in tight groupings, recalling work by post war modernist such as: Friedrich Hundertwasser and Agnes Martin. The use of space in relation to the works was highly considered and Vicuna´s knowledge of graphic presentation was evident in the careful attention to the exhibition statement, signage and catalogues.

Rarely has an emerging artist presented an exhibition of this calibre, injecting notions of spiritual growth and the natural world into the post modern discourse of the present. That several sales were made in the very short time span of this exhibition goes some way to assume that the artist´s work struck a chord with the art community in Christchurch. The exhibition was officially opened by his excellency Juan Salazar, ambassador to New Zealand of the Republic of Chile and became in this way a rallying point for the chilean community in Christchurch, further evidence of the growing multi cultural diversity of New Zealand.

Rudolf Boelee

all rights reserved copyright © | Ana Catalina Vicuña 2004-2023

designed by María Bascuñán