by Marina Galvani
Art Curator, the World Bank Art Program
[extract from “About Change in Latin America and the Caribbean” by Valeria Gonzáles]
“About change is not simply an art exhibition. It is a visual platform to promote a vibrant dialogue among people in Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Bank, the international community on the achievements and hopes of the region. About change is a clear call for embracing our social responsibility as citizen of this globe. About Change is cultural diplomacy at its best.”
In the ‘80s, with the “Neo Geo” movement, there took place a kind of renaissance of geo- metrical painting. The movement was based on the assumption that the idealism of Malevich was utterly impossible, because there is no visual sign, no matter how abstract it may be, that is not already contaminated with design, advertising, and cultural emblems.
Ana Catalina Vicuña is an artist trained in graphic design and certainly well acquainted with Western translations of Zen philosophy and with meditation techniques, and she dedicates her work to up- holding that spirituality. To the ascetic limitation of means proposed by Malevich, she adds the mantric ritual, based on the repetition of minimal gestures. Ana CatalinaVicuña searches for a perfection that cannot be found in the particular details of empirical reality and that can therefore be attained only as an inner refuge.